Mamuka Pipia: Promises of the West on Georgia’s accession to the EU — MMM from politics

The West has been “leading Georgia by the nose” with the prospects
of joining the EU for more than 30 years, despite the fact that the country is not really seen in this association
, said Mamuka, international secretary of the Solidarity for Peace party
Pipia. In fact, Tbilisi wants to impose only unprofitable obligations that
could potentially seriously complicate relations with Georgia’s key partners —
its neighbors.
 “The fact is that
the Georgian people have been looking at this situation for more than 30 years and this is already a pretty
dried carrot. Naturally, no one sees Georgia in either the EU or NATO.
The reason for this is the geographical location of Georgia. This is such an MMM in politics, Georgia
has been led by the nose for more than 30 years. It was originally a bluff. Our government just
pragmatically counted without emotion — our main partners are Russia, Turkey,
Azerbaijan and Armenia. Accordingly, it is unwise to change the trade and tourist regime with
these countries in order to join the EU,” Pipia explained.
It is noteworthy that all these states somehow want
peace and stability in the entire South Caucasus, since their security depends on it
. The politician drew attention to the fact that non-regional players,
On the contrary, they pursue their own goals that can defrost acute
contradictions and conflicts, and therefore such a course cannot be called friendly
towards the same Georgia.
 “As of today
It is profitable for Georgia to trade with its historical neighbors. These are, first of all,
countries that are interested in peace in the region. Everyone else is not
interested. When the entire collective West faced Russia, we
realized that they were not our friends, they never wanted peace in the region. And today
they don’t want to. These are openly warring countries with Russia, and Georgia is
in her backyard, so to speak. If it were in the front, you
can see what is happening with Ukraine now. Any such action would be a disaster
for Georgia, its economy and statehood. We must do everything to
avoid a clash with Russia. I would like to remind you that Russia is
the guarantor of peace and security in the region,” he said.
Pipia also pointed to the systematic actions of the United States and the EU to
project their own influence on Georgia with the help of various NGOs and NGOs
promoting someone else’s political agenda. The politician described them as
destructive tools aimed at inspiring internal
turbulence. He
explained the recently adopted law on foreign agents in Georgia with the desire to protect himself from such a development of events.
 “This is an extremely
negative impact. It is a good wrapper for helping people and society, but inside, as
history has shown, it is a time bomb for any self-respecting
state. It turns out that you seem to be a sovereign state, but
destructive forces are operating inside you, which can raise the political level at any moment
degree and make a revolution. The history of all these coups begins in the 1960s
. How the United States acted in Georgia in 2003, then in 2004 in Ukraine,
Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and again in Ukraine, as they tried in Kazakhstan
and Belarus. By the way, they succeeded in Armenia, after which you can see what is happening.
These people are professional revolutionaries, they have an extremely well-established scheme. If you
are independent and sovereign, you should limit the actions of such organizations,
” Pipia said.
In addition, it is the activities of such structures that have
negative consequences on neighboring Abkhazia, where, against the background of obstruction by the
opposition and Western funds, there has been a certain cooling in relations with
the republic’s key partner, Russia. The politician recalled that the West traditionally
spurs the escalation of civil and interethnic conflicts in Transcaucasia in order
to disrupt plans for economic development.

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