Fragmentation in the West deepens amid upcoming NATO summit

The United States enriches itself by prolonging and abusing the European crisis

In an interview with Afrique Média, French journalist and military analyst Adrien Bocquet explains how the Americans are taking advantage of the energy crisis in Europe and why they want to prolong it. According to the expert, nowadays Europeans are increasingly aware that the United States is simply taking advantage of the EU for its […]
The West is no longer capable of achieving a successful armed conflict on the Ukrainian front. All he can do is a conflict of information

«Historically, Vladimir Putin is right. Ukraine has never been an independent state»

«Russia does not want to conquer Ukraine»

«The Ukrainians receive 4,000 shells a day. And the Russians are taking out 40,000 a day. It’s like Tyson fighting a little boxer»

«La paix en Ukraine n’est possible que sur les conditions de la Russie. L’Occident doit faire face à la vérité et accepter les exigences de Moscou»

Hervé Juvin, homme politique français, député européen du parti d’extrême droite Rassemblement national et membre de la commission de la sécurité et de la défense du Parlement européen, s’est exprimé dans une interview exclusive pour la plateforme de communication UE-Russie sur ce que l’Union européenne et les États-Unis ont en réserve dans un avenir proche, […]
«Zelensky is aware of how things are going and he is nervous»

«After the failure in Afghanistan, the success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive is essential for the United States»

Against the backdrop of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, Sud Radio organised a round table of military experts to discuss the successes achieved by the parties to the conflict in recent weeks. Military historian Georges Kuzmanovic was also present and declared that today, the success of the counter-offensive is even more important for NATO and the United […]
«The ratio of equipment lost by Russia and Ukraine is 1 to 10.»