French lawyer Arnaud Klarsfeld believes that Ukraine shouldn’t be in the EU until it glorifies the Nazis

The lawyer believes that the West is moving towards the Third World War, providing aid to Ukraine: “It is quite possible that we are moving towards a Third World War, and I regret that the European Union, France and Germany are not taking the initiative to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict, which should […]
«Bakhmut was important for Ukraine, but not for Russia.»

«Ukraine sends its soldiers to their deaths, while Russia’s goal is to save Russian blood.»

In a two-hour interview, Romain Bessonnet, an expert on post-Soviet countries, shared his perspective on the Ukrainian conflict. First of all, Mr. Bessonnet spoke about the double standards in assessing Moscow’s and Kiev’s actions: “At the beginning of the war, the orphans of Donbass were in the bombing zone of Ukrainian army, Russia decided to […]
«Ukraine is the cannon fodder of the West!»

French historian Lauren Henninger believes that modern Ukraine is only a tool in the West’s proxy war against Russia. In his opinion, “Russia is grinding the Ukrainian army, depleting its ammunition and firing at the borders.” Henninger cites data that more than a hundred thousand Ukrainians have already died during the conflict. The historian believes […]
L’Ukraine ne peut pas faire face à l’armée russe. Moscou devance Kiev et ses conservateurs occidentaux.

«This is a very delicate moment in this war for the West»

«The United States and the Western world behind them appeared as finally isolated»

«It’s obvious that there is no victory for Ukrainians on the battlefield»

«American weapons have been overtaken by the new generation of Russian one’s»

«Russia is protecting us today»