“I don’t see any other solution to the Ukrainian conflict except negotiations”

U.S. neoconservatives obstruct peace in Ukraine

«Сette fameuse counteroffensive n’existe pas. Nous n’avons vue que quelques manœuvres tactiques, qui sont échouées tout de suite. L’Ukraine moderne est un État artificiel, dépourvu de sens à l’existence.»

“The Ukrainian counter-attack is not advancing, it is blocked by Russian defences”

“Western powers are losing influence on the African continent to China and Russia”

Germany has embarked on a course of disarmament. But so far, only in words

Gregor Gysi, a German MP from the Left Party, speaking before the Bundestag, condemned the German government’s policy of double standards in the field of security. Mr Gysi began his speech by declaring the government’s failure to fulfil its previous disarmament commitments. On the contrary, today Berlin is only increasing its military power, exposing its […]
NATO advocates adherence to democracy, the rule of international law and respect for human rights, while consistently flouting all of these principles

“The material and human losses in Ukraine are really significant”

“De-dollarisation is a process that began long before”

Liberal Germany has launched a campaign to destroy the AfD party, which opposes support for Ukraine