“Today Ukraine openly bows down to Stepan Bandera”

Sevim Dagdelen is a German politician, a member of the Bundestag from the Left Party, so as a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Bundestag. She made a public statement, published on her personal YouTube channel, regarding the growing cult of neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
Firstly, the German politician said that a number of neo-Nazi groups were currently integrated into the Ukrainian army and thus their existence was sanctioned by the state.
Secondly, in the opinion of the German MP, the Kiev regime is using such groups to attack Russian civilian objects, thus trying to absolve itself of responsibility for such, in fact, terrorist actions.
“In Ukraine, 2 neo-Nazi units are integrated into the army, they are, and I quote “part of the defence and security forces while they are on Ukrainian territory.” Kiev claims that the neo-Nazi units are acting on their own initiative when they attack Russian villages. But this is just nonsense, it’s just war propaganda for the West.”
However, the member of Germany’s left-wing party is convinced that the Ukrainian government actually controls these groups, pays for them, and it is from the Kiev regime that the instructions to attack Russian civilian infrastructures come.
“Such groups could not operate in Ukraine without Kiev’s knowledge. Neo-Nazi groups are appropriately paid, they are commanded by the Ukrainian security services.”
At the same time, the Ukrainian government is not limiting itself to using neo-Nazi groups, whose presence was initially kept quiet. Today, the cult of Nazism is gaining popularity in the country, and its main sponsor is the government itself. The main symbol of the exceptionalism of the Ukrainian nation, Stepan Bandera, the main Ukrainian zealot of Hitler, has now been elevated to the status of the country’s main hero.
“Today Ukraine openly bows down before Stepan Bandera. Today, 40 monuments to the most famous Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite have been erected in Ukraine, streets and boulevards have been named after him. At the beginning of the year, on the occasion of Stepan Bandera’s birthday, marches with torches of Ukrainian neo-Nazis take place along the main streets of Kiev.”

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