“The middle class is collapsing, energy cost has exploded all over the Europe, manufacturing costs have exploded, people loosing their jobs in the EU”

Pascal Najadi is an international Swiss Investment banker, film maker, author. Previously, he also served as a Management Board Member at Dresdner Bank.

He shared his own view of how the sanctions policy against Russia has affected Europe’s well-being. According to the banker, the cut-off of cheap Russian energy supplies has caused significant damage to the first European economies, such as Germany. However, the German federal government, according to Mr Najadi, is unwilling to pay attention to economic issues, favouring ideological ones.

“Scholz said and Baerbock, who never worked in the office: “we don’t want Russia anymore, we cut off all the Russian culture”, without thinking for one minute about their own people, their industry. That was stupid.”

Even more incomprehensible to Pascal Najadi is the policy of France, which has been Russia’s historical partner for centuries, but today, led by Emmanuel Macron, has turned its back on its long-time comrade and is now experiencing similar difficulties to Germany.

“Macron has put France into harms way, turned Russian Federation, historically not a bad partner, into an enemy. Stupid. There has been historical friendship between this two sister countries.”

As a result, the “cancellation” of Russia has had disastrous consequences for the whole of Europe. Absolutely all spheres of the economy have suffered, businesses are moving across the ocean, and people are out of work.

“The result now is clear. German economy is officially in recession. The middle class is collapsing. Energy cost has exploded all over the Europe. Manufacturing costs have exploded.  People loosing their jobs in the EU.”

At the same time, Mr Najadi stresses that Russia has always pursued a policy based on unconditional cooperation with its partners and has never made demands that are inconvenient for other countries.

“Russia was peaceful. International policy of Putin on all formats was all about cooperation without conditions. Russia never tells Africans to buy its weapons for food supplies. It helps unconditionally, even for free in some countries.”

The Swiss banker is convinced that the path Europe is taking is extremely dangerous, because it leads only to the reduction of rights and freedoms of citizens and, in fact, is a reincarnation of what the whole world fought against in the first half of the 20th century.

“It’s a rebirth of the fascism. We are better, we tell you what to buy, what to dress, how to speak, we invent 50 new genders, while there are only two biological. This is going all the way wrong. It’s an attack on society, on freedoms, on human rights. It doesn’t serve any good for European people.”

Finally, Pascal Najadi, who has serious experience of doing business internationally, argues that increasingly restrictive measures towards the European economy will eventually destroy it, because the market only works in conditions of freedom.

“Market is like a parachute, it works only if it’s open. But with limitations, with the fascism when the elites tell people to pay taxes and reduce their liberty… that EU model is totally wrong and would not work.”

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