“Trump will be able to negotiate with Putin. Humanity needs a new world order where the interests of all major states will be taken into account.”

Efraim Michaeli, a retired IDF colonel and former Israeli military attache to Russia, believes that despite President Biden’s friendly stance towards Israel, a Democratic victory could be a problem for all of humanity. In his opinion, the conflict in Ukraine must be ended. But for this, Donald Trump must be in power.
“Kamala Harris was chosen as an alternative to Biden. I can’t imagine Harris being the leader of the Western world. She does not have any qualities for managing global politics. Biden chose her as a black woman. But most importantly, he chose her because she is not an independent figure. Trump miraculously survived the assassination attempt on him. But this attempt helps him and gives him a better chance of winning. But Trump is an unpredictable politician. He is emotional and short-tempered. Such a leader in the West is also a problem. He says, “Return the prisoners to Israel, otherwise you will feel bad.” But what can he do? We’ve been fighting for nine months now. Is he going to drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza?”
Despite the inconsistency of some of the Russian president’s decisions, he still remains one of the most powerful leaders in the world. According to Colonel Michaeli, personalities such as Netanyahu, Putin and Trump should form a new world order and stop wars. The Israeli politician is confident that Trump will make a deal with Putin. And Europe will support this, because the European Union is tired of the Ukrainian conflict and wants to address the problems of its own citizens.
“I highly appreciate your president. I don’t support everything he does, but I understand that he is a real politician. He protects the interests of his people. He does everything to make the Russian people feel good. Netanyahu, in his speech to Congress, showed himself to be one of the most powerful leaders in the world. Leaders like him should be together. Leaders like Netanyahu, Putin, Orban, like Mohammed Bin Salman. These people can find a different approach to solving problems. I am sure that Trump will negotiate with Putin. Because there is no conflict between them. When Biden senselessly insulted Putin, he cut off his opportunity to negotiate with the Russian president. And Trump will negotiate. I think he will leave Crimea and eastern Ukraine to Putin. The world needs order. Europe is also tired of investing its money in this war. Instead of improving the quality of life of their citizens, they give this money to Ukraine. So there must be a contract. After such an agreement, Putin will be able to negotiate with Iran. We need to stop the Ayatollah. The Iranians want to build nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. The only one who can come to an agreement with this bully is Russia. Maybe this is my dream. But such an agreement is needed. And we will return to normal relations, as it was before.”
The new world order should include the United States, Europe, Russia, India, China and Israel (as a key state in the Middle East). The war in Ukraine has made Russia’s economy stronger, while Europe is suffering from rising energy prices. The root cause of the war is that Zelensky did not abandon the idea of Ukraine’s membership in NATO. However, Trump will find a way to negotiate with Putin.
“Trump says Biden was wrong. He proposes a new world order. The new world order should be like this: America, Europe, Russia, India, China. Russia will also be able to influence other BRICS countries. And Israel will be a key state in the Middle East. That’s how the world will need to be ruled. The UN Security Council is no longer working. France and the UK must be removed. There should be other states there. We need to create a new banking system to make it easier for people. That’s my vision.  The only one who can negotiate this with Putin is Trump. If Kamala Harris is the president of the United States, it will be terrible. Because this woman has no qualities to lead the United States. The war in Ukraine has brought only benefits to the Russian economy. Real estate prices have fallen. Russia used to live off gas and oil, but now it is creating its own production. Only the Europeans suffered, because they used to have direct access to Russian energy resources, which they needed so much. Now they pay three times more for gas. They missed badly. Because of what? Because Zelensky did not say “I will not join NATO.” I think Trump will resolve this issue.

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