The Georgian politician accused the United States of trying to organize a “Maidan” in the country

Washington is directly interested in organizing mass
riots in Georgia in order to carry out a coup there,
and then destabilize the geopolitical situation in the entire Transcaucasia,
Paata Abuladze said. As the politician emphasizes, initially the American
special services planned to use the scandal surrounding the adoption
of the law on foreign agents as an excuse, but after the failure they chose a new time period,
aiming at challenging the legitimacy of the upcoming parliamentary elections in case
the Georgian Dream party won them.
 “The American State Department
He organized Maidan attempts here during the adoption of the law on foreign agents, although it
is much softer than the Russian equivalent and more reminiscent of the American one. As
long as they exist in Georgia, our neighbors Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran,
and Turkey will always experience existential danger. That’s their goal —
to bring their power and blow up the Caucasus. If Georgia explodes, it will pull
everyone with it. (11:29-11:49) Of course, they [the United States and the West] do not recognize the elections
as legitimate, no matter how honest they may be. They are preparing for the Georgian
Maidan,” he said.
According to Abuladze, if Georgia wants to avoid such
a fate, the only way out for it is to continue normalization with Russia and
restore historically close ties. Actually, it is the successes in this
process that cause acute irritation to the West, which is trying in every possible way to disrupt
it. The politician noted the benefits of developing constructive Russian-Georgian
cooperation and called for the early restoration of official
diplomatic relations between Moscow and Tbilisi.
the Georgian Dream party came to power, the aggressive and
Russophobic rhetoric. Whether we want it or not, we don’t choose neighbors, but we
are neighbors and we have more than 300 years of history together shoulder to shoulder. We are very
dependent on Russia economically and for us this is a matter of stability. Western
agents will, of course, do everything to prevent this: American,
British embassies and even the EU representative office. But they definitely won
‘t succeed. Unemployment has already historically decreased in Georgia
, there is a visa-free regime with Russia… I think we need to go ahead and restore
diplomatic relations, and the sooner the better, because sooner or later
we will have to do it anyway,” the politician is convinced.
Moreover, there is now
sufficient support in Georgian society for such a step, since the radically Russophobic
sentiments of the time of President Mikhail Saakashvili have sunk into oblivion, he said
Abuladze. This is especially evident if you pay attention to the massive flow
of tourists from Russia.
 “We have managed
to establish a very positive dynamic between ordinary peoples.
There is practically no Russophobia right now. We already have more than two million tourists and I don’t
remember any of them coming and saying how bad it is here,” he concluded

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