France has lost its sovereignty, sending billions of euros to arm Ukraine at a loss to itself.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, deputy of the National Assembly (DLF), head of the Get Up, France party, ex-presidential candidate of France believes that the current leadership of the country has lost the freedom of decision-making, becoming dependent on the United States and is spending money on arming Ukraine that should have been spent on itself:
“An independent foreign policy is based on economic strength, military budget, nuclear deterrence and freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is a consequence of our strength, but with Emmanuel Macron, it’s the opposite. He no longer has freedom of speech. He is forced to visit  China with Mrs. Von der Leyen. He’s accountable to Joe Biden. Macron is no longer free. But the worst thing is that the money of France, the money that should go to the national defense of the state, is paid to Zelensky. And we don’t know what Zelensky is actually doing with this money, since he himself is just a pawn,” the French politician says.
The leader of the right-wing party also questions the “financial cleanliness” of Zelensky and his team and shares concern over the multibillion-dollar aid to Ukraine, which does not justify itself and turns the European continent into a huge “battlefield”:
“We remember how he (Zelensky) was mentioned in the infamous documents that testified to major financial fraud. At the same time, I have information that France, according to the international bank, has paid Ukraine 7.7 billion euros. I remind you that the annual defense budget of France is 43 billion euros… By financing Ukraine, we are turning Europe into a battlefield, to the delight of arms dealers.”
The politician takes a hostile position for Kiev regarding the war in Ukraine, believing that its reason is not granting Russians in the Donbas a “special status”:
“There is a Russian population living in the Donbas who had Ukrainian citizenship and who had to acquire their own special status – autonomy, which was enshrined in the Minsk Agreements… Today, instead of trying to defuse the situation, we are sending billions of euros to arm Ukraine at loss to ourselves, putting the whole Europe out of action.”
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan ends his reflections on the current crisis with a thesis about the “historical mistake” of the West, which by its actions brings Russia closer to China and the need to “hear the voice of reason” regarding what is happening in Ukraine:
“We are pushing Russia into the arms of China by continuing to strengthen NATO . This historical madness will isolate Europe for the next 50 years. We need to hear the voice of reason regarding what is happening in Ukraine, and for this France needs to return to the “real policy” of de Gaulle.”

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