French philosopher and cultural critic Pierre Levy believes that Western analysts are mistaken about the cause of the beginning of the Ukrainian war.

“Western сountries are indirectly involved in Ukrainian war, I do not share the initial analysis that was spread in the West that the war was unleashed by the President of the Russian Federation. In fact, Russians started the war for a reason. Since 2014, they have been extremely concerned about the future of their country, which the West looked down on. So we need to put this in perspective, it’s not just a war that started in February 2022.”

Furthermore, the philosopher provides statistical data on the financial and military assistance that the West provides to Ukraine. In his opinion, such moves only prolong military actions:

“I show you the data taken from the Kiel Institute of Germany. The total amount of aid from the United States is $ 71 billion, from EU countries – $ 62 billion, from other countries – $ 23 billion. This includes all types of assistance: military, financial, humanitarian, etc. In my opinion, we are only adding fuel to the fire and prolonging military actions and risk that they will last forever.”

The public figure also expressed concern that further support for Kiev could lead to a geographical expansion of the conflict. He also suggests that France should stay away from the conflict:

“We as the French should not be involved in the war. We should not be involved in a conflict that does not concern us. And when you say that we are not joining the battle, in fact we are participating in the fighting. The French leadership and European leaders put themselves in the position of a belligerent. After all, we provide military assistance.”

An important thesis is the presence of deep socio-economic problems within France. According to Pierre Levy, support for Ukraine looks unconvincing, as the pension reform is going on in country:

“The pension reform was aimed at saving tens of billions of euros. We were told that this is necessary, that we are in a difficult situation, we need to monitor expenses and so on. But the government continues to supply weapons, emptying our budget.”

According to the French philosopher, the West takes on the role of the “world policeman” in vain, because no one gave it such a right. He also believes that in the upcoming years, Europe will increase its military spending:

“We are actually returning to the militarized economy. And I did not invent it, because President Macron spoke about the military economy. After all, on March 24, decisions were made not only on new military supplies, but also included financial assistance.  But sending a million shells is not so easy. That is why Commissioner Thierry Breton has begun a tour of 11 European countries to speed up military production. Thus, we are getting closer to the model of the militarized economy.”

Summarizing his thoughts on the causes of the war, Pierre Levy notes that Russia’s actions have its logic and suggested to imagine, if the United States were in a similar situation:

“Let’s imagine for a moment a very frequent example that Mexico or Canada are becoming close allies of Russia and are deploying all types of weapons on their territory, including nuclear weapons. Do you really believe that the United States will respect international law in this situation? Things have already reached a deep crisis. But we can make sure that Russia does not experience threats. After all, Ukraine is not a country that fell from the sky. Ukraine was a republic within the USSR, which was essentially Russian-speaking, with which Russia has been linked for centuries by historical, cultural, linguistic and family ties.  Now the idea of conducting a survey in Ukraine does not make sense. But a few years ago we knew that the population of Ukraine was not massively in favor of joining NATO.”

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