«American weapons have been overtaken by the new generation of Russian one’s»

Édouard Husson, historian and General Director of ESCP Business School, told in an interview to La Courrière des Stratèges that Russia is capable of hitting any target on Ukrainian territory because of the superiority of Russian weapons over European and American ones’.

“The Russians today have moved on to showing the Ukrainians, but in fact to all of Ukraine’s allies, that they can destroy right up to the command centre, that they will have no difficulties about doing so.”
The recent Ukrainian drones attacks on the Russian capital, which have only targeted civilian and not military targets, are, according to the expert, nothing more than a desperate attempt to show the NATO countries that the resources given to Kiev are not being sacrificed in vain.

“At a time when Russian strikes on Ukrainian command centres, ammunition stocks and assembly points are becoming increasingly precise and destructive, the Ukrainians are trying to get away with it from a public relations point of view. After all, it’s us, our media, who need convincing to ensure that the flow of arms from NATO countries doesn’t stop. And so they try to get away with spectacular actions, […] but which have no military value.”

On the subject of the special military operation, the French historian noted that, in fact, the West is simply testing its weapons on Ukrainian territory, and that the results of these “tests” are rather depressing.
“Ukraine has become a testing ground for materials and new weapons and new ways of waging war.”
Mr Husson also compared Russian and American supersonic weapons. He concluded that the Americans are inferior to the Russians in this area, despite the huge sums of money spent. This factor, among others, gives Russia air superiority in Ukraine.
“The United States, which has a military budget 10 times bigger than Russia’s, is not capable of manufacturing hypersonic weapons.”

“There are at least two American “patriot” systems that have been destroyed at an airport near Kiev, which means that American weapons have been overtaken by the new generation of Russian weapons. So that brings us to the fundamental question, which is whether NATO will want to continue sending weapons at the risk of making it clear to the whole world that today NATO and the United States in particular are certainly losing the arms race.”

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