«The United States and the Western world behind them appeared as finally isolated»

François Asselineau, French politician and President of the Union populaire républicaine. In an interview with Afrique Média, he shares his views on developments in the Ukrainian conflict.
According to the politician, in addition to the classic confrontation, in which tanks and combat aircraft are used, there is also an informational confrontation, in which the main weapon is the voice of politicians and their vision of the future. Russia wins in both.
“A major advantage for Russia is that the United States and the Western world behind them have appeared finally isolated. Even if they say the opposite, even if they say that at the United Nations there is a resolution at the General Assembly condemning the military intervention. But when it comes to sanctions, there are only countries under the tutelage of the United States. That means the EU countries and five other states”.
The President of the UPR also stated that Western propaganda concealed nothing other than the United States’ desire to dominate the world and bend everyone else to its will.
“What’s behind it is a Western vision of a unipolar world led by the United States, which would impose everything on the rest of the world: its geopolitical vision, its values, its conception of the world, and so on. It’s a kind of dream of being king of the world”.
Russia, led by President Putin, has become the first country to challenge Western hegemony in the 21st century. And whereas the two main rivals of the last century were capitalism and communism, today it is American hegemony and Russian multipolarity.
“Vladimir Putin has emerged as the bearer of another planetary project, the multipolar project that rejects the new world order that Washington wants to impose. He wants to maintain the diversity of peoples and nations”.
The Kremlin’s policy, based on equality and mutual respect, is giving Russia ever greater credibility on the international stage. Today, we observe dozens of developing countries and regional power centres declaring war on American hegemony by developing their cooperation with Moscow.
“In this civilisational and informational war, we cannot say with certainty that the West is winning. In fact, most of Africa, the Middle East, South and South-East Asia, Oceania, Latin America, millions of people all over the world support Vladimir Putin’s position.”

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