NATO is preparing for a full-scale war against Russia

Manlio Dinucci, journalist, geographer and political analyst, former executive director of the Italian department of the International Association of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985.
Mr Dinucci gave a critical analysis of the results of the NATO summit held in Vilnius. In the expert’s opinion, the alliance, whose original aim was the defence and security of its members, is today only taking actions aimed at unleashing a full-scale war against its main adversary, Russia.
“At the summit in Lithuania, according to the communique, the allies approved the most ambitious defence plans since the end of the Cold War. They are designed for the two main threats according to NATO : Russia and terrorism. “Peaceful” NATO has levelled these two huge threats.”
The summit in the Lithuanian capital only further confirmed NATO’s intentions to bring war to Europe. This is evidenced by the unprecedented decision to deploy hundreds of thousands of soldiers for the sole purpose of war against Russia.
“NATO will deploy a rapid reaction force of 300,000 soldiers in Europe. So, today we are in a Europe that is preparing for war, i.e. there are exercises and troop movements everywhere with the sole purpose of fighting the ‘Russian threat’.”
And if the deployment of such a huge number of troops is a matter of tomorrow, individual initiatives aimed at escalating the conflict against Russia are already being taken by the first economies of Europe.
“One of many examples is the recent German exercise in Lithuania. They sent 1,000 soldiers, tanks and other heavy military equipment to practice war against Russia.”
The political analyst is convinced that one should not harbour illusions about the impossibility of Ukraine joining NATO.  It has already happened de facto, the de Jure decision is just a minor formality that no one needs yet.
“When reading news about Ukraine in the major European media, we usually come across reports about Zelensky, who insists that Ukraine must join NATO.  But this is a shadow play, because Ukraine is already in NATO. This is the war that NATO wants, that is being waged today by NATO forces.”
Moreover, when it comes to realising its own vested interests, the West is ready to disregard all formalities and restrictions. Today we are witnessing yet another manifestation of the policy of double standards, when different requirements are set for different NATO candidates. Or rather, there are simply no requirements for one candidate.
“Ukraine was opened a privileged channel of accession to NATO. Because of the political decision to admit Ukraine, it was decided to skip so many formal procedures mandatory for the other candidates.”

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