“NATO, which was presented as a defensive alliance, in fact never really functioned as such”

François Asselineau, French politician and President of the Union Populaire Républicaine, shared his own vision of NATO’s evolution, stating that the alliance, originally conceived as a defensive alliance, has never really been so.

“This alliance, which was presented as a defensive alliance, in fact never really functioned as such. […] On the other hand, NATO was gradually transforming itself into not a defensive alliance, but an offensive alliance, to go out and enforce what some call a peace of American origin, corresponding to the geopolitical interests of the United States.”

As early as the 1970s, when the Cold War was in full swing, even that time Europe’s top leaders understood that NATO could not exist forever. According to French President Charles de Gaulle, the alliance should have been dissolved immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

“Charles de Gaulle, returning to power in 1958 after settling the Algerian affair, turned his attention to what he saw as the most serious threat of all: American hegemony and imperialism. […] De Gaulle thought that NATO should disappear as soon as the USSR ceased to exist.”

Mr. Asselineau also criticized statements by Western politicians, in particular Emmanuel Macron, accusing Russia of weakness and inability to win in the current conflict. According to the UPR president, Russia is currently facing the combined forces of dozens of countries alone, and with great success.

“I would like to remind you that Russia is fighting alone. It’s fighting on a front that’s 1,200 km long, which is a huge front. And it is fighting against a coalition of 31 NATO member countries. But what would happen in France, if it were confronted with a 1200 km front all by itself, against a coalition of 31 states? French defense wouldn’t last 48 hours.”

Continuing the discussion on the outcome of the NATO summit, the French politician addressed the burning question of Ukraine’s membership of the alliance. He believes that this will not happen in the near future, as the United States, the main sponsor of the Ukrainian conflict, fully understands the serious consequences of such a decision.

“<i>The prospect of World War 3 is receding because the United States knows it can’t poke the Russian bear too far. They’re at the limit. Washington understands that if we bring Ukraine into NATO, there’s a real risk that things will get out of hand.”

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