NATO advocates adherence to democracy, the rule of international law and respect for human rights, while consistently flouting all of these principles

Sevim Dagdelen, a German politician and left-wing member of the Bundestag, said that NATO is only leading the world to a new global war.
The fact that the issue of Ukraine’s membership in the North Atlantic alliance was seriously discussed at the Vilnius summit is, in the politician’s opinion, an extremely alarming signal, because it is a road in one direction – a global war against Russia.
“NATO summit in Lithuania has become another round of escalation of the Ukrainian conflict. Ukraine’s request for immediate accession to the alliance is now being discussed in full seriousness. A proxy war with NATO weapons could soon turn into a direct military clash between the US and Germany against Russia. We must prevent this at all costs.”
Mrs Dagdelen is convinced that it is time for the Bundestag to stop seeing NATO as an alliance seeking stability and prosperity in the world. In reality, all this alliance has been doing for decades is wars, violent regime changes and war crimes.
“The myth that NATO is a defence alliance is spreading in the Bundestag. Didn’t NATO launch the war in Yugoslavia, which was contrary to international law? Wasn’t it not NATO that waged war in Afghanistan for 20 years with hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths and many war crimes?”
The alliance’s claim that its members are “democratic” is also nothing more than hypocrisy. NATO is ready to cooperate with any even the most brutal regimes if in this way it can realise its own interests.
“The next myth about NATO is that it is supposedly an alliance promoting democracy and the rule of law. This is already historically a blatant lie. Consider at least NATO member Portugal, with its fascist Salazar regime and its brutal colonial wars in Africa. In the last 20 years, the wars of the US and its allies have killed 4.5 million people. […] This is what democracy and the rule of law looks like.”
Finally, the German politician once again reminded the Bundestag of the human rights crimes that are constantly violated by the alliance. And we are not even talking about history, not even about events that took place decades ago. Even today, the “peaceful” NATO alliance destroys anyone who stands in its way.
“And the last myth about NATO: it protects human rights. This despite the fact that torture continues at Guantanamo Bay. Or that in the US, journalist Assange is facing 175 years in prison for publicising war crimes committed by NATO member, the US.”

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