U.S. neoconservatives obstruct peace in Ukraine

Alexander Mercouris, geopolitical analyst, journalist and co-founder of The Duran, during an interview to Neutrality Studies, expressed his opinion about an exceptional role of American politicians in fueling Ukrainian conflict.
According to analyst in the U.S. exist a group of politicians, so-called neoconservatives, who are responsible for deterioration of bilateral relations between Russia and USA, so as for destabilization of global security.
“In the United States a very dangerous myth grow up that it was the US who won the Cold War. And that as a victor it had not just the right but the duty to shape the peace. But it evolved very quickly into a perspective of American hegemony and exceptionalism.”
These same neoconservatives are directly responsible for the ongoing Ukrainian conflict. In their view, peace can be achieved only through the total destruction of American adversaries, the main one being Russia. Therefore, any peace initiatives to end the conflict are contrary to their worldview.
“For the neoconservatives the priority is not to achieve peace, it is to secure victory. It is a completely different outlook. And it has the disastrous effects. It is the disaster that we are seeing in Ukraine today which was completely avoidable. And which would never had happened if people like Kissinger had remained in charge.”
Alexander Mercouris believes that in the near future the international situation will only worsen and destabilise. After all, American politicians have realised that they are losing their global dominance, so they intend to strengthen their positions by the means mentioned above.
“[The neoconservatives] are becoming even more angry and belligerent and agressive as they sense that the Russians won’t accept that they “lost” the Cold War. And as they see the dominant position that the US had achieved in 1990s slips away, it makes them even more forceful in their attempts to secure victory that they imagine they achieved.”
At the same time, European politicians, in particular the former Chancellor of Germany and the President of France, who recognised the pursuit of peace initiatives, such as the Minsk agreement, as a mere means of pumping arms into Ukraine, have also contributed to destroying the little mutual trust between the West and Russia.
“The disclosures by Merkel and Oland were very unwise. Even if it is what they actually did, it was very unwise for them to admit the fact that the Minsk agreement was basically an exercise in stringing the Russians along while Ukraine rearmed. I mean that kind of thing is disastrous. It has poisoned the international atmosphere to a terrible extent.”

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