“Anyone who wants to prevent a nuclear war in Europe must stand up to this escalation [in Ukrainian conflict]”

Sevim Dagdelen, member of the German Left Party and deputy in the Bundestag, stated that the policy of not resolving the Ukrainian conflict peacefully is extremely dangerous, but also very common in the West. In her view, it is extremely unwise and reckless to approach the resolution of today’s confrontation from a position of strength.
“The war in Ukraine is claiming lives each and every day. In Germany we have so called “military experts”, such as Florence Gaub […], who have publicly declared very lately that we shouldn’t advocate for a ceasefire or for peace negotiations, because conflicts have their “internal clock”, and only when it has run out is a ceasefire possible. Our response to these cynics of power is no! This war must end immediately!”
According to the German politician, there is only one acceptable way to end the Ukrainian conflict – an immediate ceasefire without imposed commitments, which the parties to the confrontation will obviously not agree to.
“We need an immediate ceasefire without preconditions and a diplomatic solution in Ukraine. And let me say quite clearly, that those who want to make this contingent on prior commitments by either of the warring parties just want this war to continue. This madness must be stopped.”
Sevim Dagdelen is convinced that the world already had a great chance to establish peace in Ukraine. But it was the British and American governments that prevented this from happening, recklessly imposing their ideological policies and pursuing selfish goals.
“It appears that an agreement was on the table in March 2022. It’s a disgrace, that when conservative UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in cahoots with the US administration prevented a deal from being reached.”
The politician is convinced that further escalation of the conflict is not in anyone’s favour. It only undermines trust between Russia and the West, bringing us closer to a full-scale global confrontation.
“Let’s take a close look at what’s happening now. The war in Ukraine has turned into a dangerous NATO proxy war against Russia. And this war has the potential to escalate. Also, thanks to the supply of more and more increasingly heavy weapons. Anyone who wants to prevent a nuclear war in Europe must stand up to this escalation.”
It is obvious that neither the Americans nor NATO care about the security of Europe. They are doing everything they can to aggravate the situation by fuelling the conflict.
“Apparently, there is more at stake here that NATO countries are crossing the line from non-belligerent to belligerent parties in this war. They are doing this in the form of cooperation between intelligence services by advising and coordinating liaison officers on the ground, by exchanging technical and tactical expertise, and by comparing situational pictures to the point of joint situation planning and training Ukrainian soldiers on the use of Western weapons on a massive scale.”

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