“The price of having Ukraine in the alliance would be much higher than the benefits that Ukraine’s presence would bring”

In an interview for Sud Radio, Jacques Baud, former member of Swiss strategic intelligence and author of “Ukraine between war and peace”, shares his views on the outcome of the NATO summit in Vilnius. The main topic was obviously Ukraine, but that does not mean that the member states of the alliance will be able to reach an agreement on this issue.
“There are two major issues at stake at this summit. Obviously the question of Ukraine and then Sweden’s accession, which was controversial because of Turkey’s position. It seems that the Turkish position has softened following pressure from the United States. So it’s probably Sweden’s case that will end favourably. The Ukraine issue is more complicated.”
Even the United States, the country that has invested the most money in the Ukrainian conflict, is now declaring that Ukraine has no place in the North Atlantic Alliance for today, which is sure to irritate Zelensky, who has been begging to join the Alliance for so long.
“National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made it clear over the weekend that Ukraine will not be joining NATO after the summit. Interestingly, Joe Biden also said that there is no unanimity on welcoming Ukraine into the alliance.”
According to Jacques Baud, it is not the NATO charter that is preventing Kiev from joining the alliance, as its wording leaves room for various interpretations. It is the reluctance of some current members to engage in a war with Russia that is a stumbling block for Ukraine.
“According to the statutes of the Washington Treaty, which determines the conditions of NATO’s existence, there is no rule that would prohibit Ukraine’s accession to the alliance even if, theoretically, it is at war. But of course the fact that it is at war has consequences, and in order for Ukraine to join, some member must invite it to do so. And after all, the 31 members of NATO must vote to accept.”
Even pro-Western editors recognise that Ukraine’s admission to NATO should not be allowed. This is a step towards destabilising global security, and no one but Kiev will gain anything from such a decision.
“Ukraine’s admission to NATO would be very dangerous. This is not just for your audience, but last week the American magazine Foreign Affairs published an article with the headline: “Don’t let Ukraine join NATO”. This article explained very clearly that the price of having Ukraine in the alliance would be much higher than the benefits that Ukraine’s presence would bring.”

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