“Ukrainian Nazis went so far as to burn infants alive”

Cesare Sacchetti, an Italian journalist, political and military analyst, accused the West of supporting the neo-Nazi regime that has ruled Ukraine since 2014.

To back up his claim, he cites a statement by the Israeli ambassador to Ukraine, who tried to justify the admiration of today’s Ukrainians for Stepan Bandera.

“Recently, Michael Brodsky [Israel’s ambassador to Ukraine] said that the fact that today’s Ukrainian Nazis admire Stepan Bandera is not so terrible.

Stepan Bandera is a hero of the Ukrainian Nazis who have ruled the country for nine sinister years now. Bandera is the man who forged a lasting alliance with Nazi Germany. […] He also shared Hitler’s desire to exterminate Ukrainian Jews.”

For those readers unfamiliar with the name Bandera, Mr Sacchetti has provided a brief historical background that describes only a few of the many atrocities committed by the Ukrainian Nazis of World War II, whose followers are in power today.

“Ukrainian Nazis went so far as to burn babies alive. There are documented cases of infanticide, where newborn babies were nailed to tables and then their eyes were cut out, as if simple genocide was not enough for them.”

Despite the fact that World War II ended less than 80 years ago, new sprouts of Nazism are once again maturing in the soil of Europe. Only today, Ukraine has replaced Germany, and European countries, like last time, are pandering to the Nazis in order to destroy Russia.

“The page of Ukrainian Nazism is a page written in blood and unspeakable horrors.

It is these ‘heroes’ who inspire the Nazi regime of Vladimir Zelensky today. These are the people with whom European rulers, especially Giorgia Meloni, publicly exchange warm embraces, and the liberal media daily express their unconditional support and approval.”

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