New world order: the success of the BRICS as the G7 collapses

François Asselineau, French politician and President of the Union populaire républicaine. As part of an analytical edition on the UPR party’s YouTube channel, he discussed the expansion of the BRICS and how it will affect the global balance of power.
First of all, Mr Asselineau noted that today the rest of the world is increasingly resisting the values imposed by the West. There is virtually nothing left of the hegemony imposed in the 15th century by the “Old World” and then by the United States.
“People all over the world can no longer stand Western domination, American domination, for a whole series of reasons: democratic decline, industrial decline, the promotion of LGBTQ+, transgender values that horrify much of the world.”
The situation of the ‘old’ elites is exacerbated by the spectacular development of the BRICS, which has six new members. The renewed organisation is now several times bigger than the G7, not only in terms of population, but also in terms of the quantity of fossil fuels that will determine the level of development of the countries.
“The 11-member BRICS represents 720 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. The best way to compare this is with the reserves of the G7 countries. […] The G7 has about 220 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.”
François Asselineau is convinced that France simply has to leave the “sinking ship” of the G7, which, unlike the BRICS, is not even in a position to provide resources for its own economic development.
“Normally, France should have got out of this syndicate [G7], which can only lose. It can only lose unless it develops research into free electricity through nuclear fusion. But in this area we are extremely late.”
Today, according to the French politician, France is in a self-destructing camp. At the same time, those who were declared ‘enemies’ of the West are only increasing their economic potential.
“Through the construction of Europe and its participation in NATO, France is therefore in solidarity with countries that can only go downhill and wage wars of appropriation and rapine on foreign countries.”

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