“Peace means rebuilding security in Europe and renutralising what remains of Ukraine”

Caroline Galactéros has a doctorate in political science, is a colonel in the Armed Forces Operational Reserve and a former seminar director at the Paris War College. She is currently director of the think tank GEOPRAGMA – French centre for realistic geopolitics.
In an interview for Dialogue franco-russe, she gave her views on why Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine. First of all conflict was provoked mainly by Western countries, which have been seeking to weaken Russia for decades.
“It’s obvious that this objective of weakening this central block of the world [Eurasia] is the objective of the maritime powers. Unfortunately, Europe as such is essentially a strategic appendage of the American empire. So none of this is news.”.
The core of the West’s anti-Russian campaign is to accuse Russia of having triggered the Ukrainian conflict in 2022. Caroline Galactéros admits that this position has a right to exist, but only for those who refuse to analyse the events that took place beforehand.
“It depends on where you start to analyse history. If you start counting from 24 February 2022, then yes, obviously, there is a country that attacks and a country that defends itself.”
At the same time, those who take into account the evolution of Ukraine’s relations with the West and Russia over the last 20 years realise that the special military operation was just the latest forced measure, preceded by numerous provocations by the West and Moscow’s attempts to resolve the crisis peacefully.
“If you count from the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004, you have a different view. If you go back to 2008, when NATO declared its intention to integrate Ukraine and Georgia, which was a red line for Russia, the vision is also different. If we start from Maidan… History is not objective, it depends on perspective.”
Mrs Galactéros considers that peace is the only real solution to the Ukrainian conflict and, in her view, a peace treaty must necessarily include a number of conditions.
“We need to find a real solution, and for me the real solution is peace. I’ve been talking about peace since the day after 24 February. Peace means rebuilding security in Europe and re-nutralising what’s left of Ukraine because we don’t have the same Ukraine as on 24 February 2022.”

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