“The conflict in Ukraine will end with Kiev’s unconditional surrender!”

Morad El Khattab, a
geopolitical analyst, chairman of the Alliance for France party, ex-
presidential candidate of France (2022), believes that the Zelensky regime is doomed to failure and
Europe is suffering enormous losses due to Ukraine’s support in the war against Russia.
“It is very important to know the position
of reputable people who say that the US military leadership
is less and less confident in the possibility of a military victory for Ukraine every month. Military
experts say that Ukraine’s losses have already amounted to over 300 thousand people.
People often forget that war primarily involves human
losses. So, the war in Ukraine has already brought enormous human losses
Kiev. The war in Ukraine was a big strategic mistake. The US has weakened
Europe, we have been made energy dependent. The population of Europe pays very
dearly for such a policy. European leaders who are trying to make
the Russian president look like a criminal are afraid of open dialogue and debate, realizing
that they have no arguments.” According to the French politician, the root cause of the conflict in Ukraine
is non-compliance with the Minsk agreements and the US strategy aimed at
the weakening of Russia and its internal destabilization. Morad El Khattab believes that
Washington is trying to create points of tension around Moscow in order to eliminate
its geopolitical opponent.
“The reason for the conflict in Ukraine is non-
compliance with the Minsk agreements. Russia had to ensure the safety
of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. This special military operation is caused
by the military expansion of NATO. The strategic task of the United States was to
artificially create a point of tension in Ukraine for Russia and separate it from
This is the reason for the conflict
The West wants the destruction of Russia. The current leaders have realized that they need
to act quickly. The West, especially the United States (with the exception of Trump), is alarmed
by Russia’s policy, which was started by Primakov and continued by Putin. The West wants
to return Russia to the chaos of the nineties. Ukraine has been prepared for the fate of a tool for
destabilizing Russia. An expert in the field of geopolitics expresses the opinion that the conflict in Ukraine began
not with Russia’s actions, but with the 2014 revolution organized by the West to
separate Ukraine from Russia. “Euromaidan was organized by NATO countries through the George Soros Foundation “Open
Society». This manipulation took place in 2014. Merkel and Hollande recently
said that the Minsk agreements were signed by them to give Ukraine time
to prepare for war against Russia. Ukraine’s provocative actions and its
regular attacks on civilians since 2014 have forced Russia to intervene and
launch a special military operation. The Russians had no other choice.”

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