The rejection of Russian gas has plunged Germany into its deepest economic crisis

Sara Wagenknecht, German politician, member of the Bundestag, leader of the faction of the Left Party of Germany. As part of her personal YouTube channel, she gave a detailed assessment of the current economic crisis in Germany and analysed its causes and possible consequences.
First of all, the dire economic situation in Germany is not a fiction of propaganda or an exaggeration of news outlets. The International Monetary Fund has provided data according to which the country is experiencing economic decline. Interestingly, Russia, against which sanctions have been imposed by the entire Western world, is, on the contrary, experiencing economic growth.
“In July, the IMF coolly reported that Germany ranked last out of 22 countries surveyed in terms of economic growth, it is also the only one whose economy will shrink this year. In the US, economic growth was one-eighth of one per cent, and in Russia, which has been completely destroyed by our sanctions, it was 0.5 per cent.”
The consequence of ill-considered financial and energy policies has been a massive business exodus from Germany. Up to half of large companies are now relocating to countries such as the United States. Energy prices there are many times lower.
“According to surveys, almost a third of industrial companies are planning to reduce production or relocate capacities abroad. This trend is most pronounced in the case of large industrial enterprises. Almost half of them are already moving production abroad or have already made such a decision.”
The main reason for this economic crisis in Germany was its decision to abandon Russian gas. Except German politicians didn’t take into account that it was vital for the industrialised country. It also turned out that they were simply incapable of replacing Russian gas.
“All experts agree on one thing: there is a factor that turned a difficult economic situation into the economic collapse that is happening before our eyes. It is the explosion of energy prices and the general uncertainty of our future in energy supply.”
Despite loud speeches by European politicians about completely replacing Russian gas, the facts say otherwise. Praised alternative energy sources have proven unprofitable and the gas of the American “partner” is too expensive.
“The fact of a sharp rise in energy costs in Germany led to the collapse of our economy. And it happened because of the rejection of Russian gas, to which we never found an alternative at a reasonable price.”

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