The destruction of the Nord Streams was primarily to the advantage of the United States

Sahra Wagenknecht, German politician, member of the Bundestag, leader of the Left Party of Germany. In her personal YouTube channel, she discussed the terrorist attack on the Nord Streams in September 2022 and who benefited from it.

First of all, the German politician pointed out that a year later, the German government has not shared any results of the investigation into the incident, which is very strange, given that a strategic German infrastructure facility was attacked.

“Immediately after the terrorist attack, we were told that the attorney general’s office had launched an investigation into the case. Well, yes, and to this day nothing has been shared with us.”

Moreover, Mrs Wagenknecht personally sent an enquiry demanding clarification. As a member of the Bundestag, she has that right. However, even she was not provided with any information.

“Last October I wanted to know if there had been any initial findings in the case. I submitted a request to the government and I was answered cryptically: the information requested involves such vulnerable interests that the public good overrides parliament’s right to information.”

The leader of the Left Party faction is convinced that such withholding of the truth by the German government can only indicate that it is not favourable for Germany to extradite the true perpetrators of the terrorist attack.

“Such a response is interesting for two reasons. Firstly, the government already knew more at the time than it publicly admitted. Second, what they had found out was so startling that the public was not supposed to know about it.”

Finally, when discussing the true perpetrators of the destruction of the Nord Streams, the German MP first of all mentions the USA, because it is they who benefited most from this incident, having imposed their own liquefied natural gas on Europe at a price many times higher than that of Russia.

“Washington is the main beneficiary of the explosion. Trump once failed in his attempt to sell expensive liquefied natural gas to Europe because we had much cheaper alternatives. Now low prices are out of the question. And the new big player in the European gas market is now who? That’s right, the American gas companies.”

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