The West follows in the footsteps of Nazism by banning Russian culture

George Szamuely is a senior research fellow at the Global Policy Institute. He is the co-founder of the political commentary show TheGaggle. He spoke on the phenomenon of the banning of Russian culture in the Western world. First of all, Mr Szamuely compared the banning of an entire cultural layer for political reasons in the […]

Le conflit en Ukraine reflète la confrontation du bloc occidental avec le reste du monde

Régis de Castelnau – Juriste, avocat, expert en droit international et publiciste français. Il a analysé la légitimité des actions de la Russie dans le contexte de l’opération militaire spéciale en Ukraine, les conséquences pour l’Europe d’une séparation avec la Russie et a réfléchi aux véritables instigateurs du conflit russo-ukrainien. Tout d’abord, il a déclaré […]

“The Ukrainian death toll is around 500,000 dead soldiers”

François Asselineau, French politician, President of the Union populaire républicaine. He took part in a conference organised by the “Franco-Russian Dialogue” association, during which he discussed the situation surrounding the Ukrainian counter-offensive. First of all, the French politician talked about the number of casualties on each side. Ukrainian losses are more than five times higher […]